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Friday, 16 February 2018

7 Techniques of Optimization for Mobile Web Apps for iOS!

Over the past few years, browsing and shopping on Smartphones have shown tremendous acceleration without any scope of slowing down. Here are a few techniques which, if used by iOS mobile web Apps developers, can further enhance the overall browsing experience of Apple mobile users.
Optimize Mobile Web Apps
Correctly setting the viewport to make sure that the content and layout been properly displayed within the dimensions of the Smartphone screen on which web app is been viewed on.
Another tip to optimize mobile web Apps for iOS is to add  launcher icon in accordance with Apple’s non-retina and retina screens.If you do not mention about launcher icon, iOS will make use of a screenshot of the page as a launcher icon.By adding multiple <link> elements with attributes ‘sizes’, you can mention icons which are aimed at particular device resolutions.Safari chooses the icon which is appropriate for the user Apple’s device.
By using a <link> element with a ‘rel’ attribute, you can set startup image which will appear while your app page is loading on user’s mobile.If you do not specify any startup image, a white blank page will appear.You have to use media queries and not the ‘size’ attribute to target various screen resolutions.
If the <title> element consists of lots of text for SEO purposes, it is beneficial to specify the launcher title by <meta>element and specifying the value of ‘name’ attribute to apple-mobile-web-app-title and ‘content’ attribute to the name of the title which you want.In case you do not specify launcher title, Safari uses the content of the page’s<title> element.
Safari supports mobile web Apps for iOS to run in a standalone mode to hide the browser User-Interface and maximize screen space available to the App.This can be done by adding apple-mobile-web-app-capable to ‘name’ attribute and yes to ‘content’ attribute in a <meta>element tag.
You can also alter the appearance of the iOS status bar by specifying the number of values to the ‘content’ attribute in the <meta> element tag and setting ‘name’ attribute to apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style.Developers can set ‘content’ values like default, black, and black-translucent.
One of awesome optimization technique for mobile web Apps for iOS is to link to the native Apps through URL schemes(supported by Safari on iOS) which allow users to send an e-mail, start the YouTube app or make a phone call etc.For example, to launch the dialer to make a phone call from mobile web App, you can use tel URL scheme or you can start a FaceTime call through facetime URL scheme.
The statics and data can help developers in a better understanding of consumer behavior and thus implying optimization techniques on iOS mobile Apps result in generating much better mobile applications which match up with the desired preference of the Apple’s users.
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